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Refill a Pro-1000 ink cartridge

Refilling an original Canon® imagePROGRAF Pro-1000 is not difficult at all

farbenwerk - Canon Pro-1000 Tintenpatrone nachfüllen Bild 1An empty original ink cartridge of the Pro-1000 can be easily refilled with Pigmera® C1 ink. Please read the complete instructions before starting! Make sure to use a suitable surface when handling ink!

What you need to refill a Pro-1000 ink cartridge:Scale, 60ml syringe with needle, ink, some kitchen paper, an empty ink cartridge.

NOTE: The following pictures show the white cap of the ink cartridge removed only for better visibility of the filling process. This is solely for illustration purposes, and the cap does not need to be removed when refilling the ink cartridge!

An empty cartridge (including cap and chip) weighs about 33-34g.
Place the empty syringe on the scales and then set the display to "zero" by pressing a button (tare). Draw approximately 40ml of ink into the syringe.
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Take the filled syringe and remove any ink from the outside of the needle using kitchen paper. In the middle of the ink outlet is a plastic valve that is pressed against the seal from the inside by spring force. Now, push the valve slowly from the top with the needle tip centered and aligned straight. Once the opening becomes visible, tilt the syringe to the left so that the needle can be inserted carefully, obliquely past the valve, to the right into the cartridge. This works at the angle shown in the illustration. Draw about 40ml of ink again and fill it into the cartridge in a second pass as described. In the end, the ink cartridge should not be filled with more than 82ml of ink!
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A filled ink cartridge should now weigh approximately 116 grams.
After you have removed the needle from the cartridge, empty any remaining ink from the syringe into the ink bottle and clean the outside of the needle with kitchen paper. To ensure that the cartridge valve is seated correctly, tap the valve briefly in the center with the needle.
farbenwerk - Canon Pro-1000 Tintenpatrone nachfüllen Bild 12farbenwerk - Canon Pro-1000 Tintenpatrone nachfüllen Bild 14
Clean the ink cartridge outlet valve with paper towels.
Then, with the opening facing down, do a short shake test to check if everything is tight. This completes the filling process.
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The newly filled ink cartridge is now ready for use.

farbenwerk - Canon Pro-1000 Tintenpatrone nachfüllen Bild 21

Reusing an original ink cartridge

First, the printer indicates that an ink cartridge "soon" needs to be replaced, and a yellow warning symbol is displayed on the printer display for the affected color channel. At this moment, there is still some ink left in the cartridge, and it is still possible to create some nice prints. Print until the printer requests that the ink cartridge be replaced, then it should be refilled.

After the cartridge has been refilled, it is inserted back into the printer. By subsequently pressing and holding the STOP button on the printer for 5 seconds, the ink check of the device is deactivated, and no ink levels are displayed while this ink cartridge is being used. You can continue printing.

Occasionally, check the ink level of refilled ink cartridges by removing them and shaking them. You will notice when there is only a little ink left. Simply refill it again.

A Pro-1000 printer has intermediate tanks in the ink supply system that are filled with ink. So there is always some ink available in this supply system, even if an ink cartridge is accidentally completely emptied.

Instructions for deactivating ink checking on the printer can be found in the device manual.

Wir weisen hier ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass die Manipulation von Tintenpatronen und Druckern auf eigene Gefahr geschieht und wir für durch diese Anleitung entstandenen Schäden und Verletzungen keine Haftung übernehmen. 
Die oben beschriebenen Anleitungen und Hinweise sind als Vorschläge zu verstehen und die Nutzung dessen ist freiwillig und liegt in der Verantwortung des Anwenders. Wir übernehmen keine Haftung und Gewähr für Schäden oder Folgeschäden an Druckern, Druckerteilen, Werkzeugen, Möbeln und verwendeten Produkten von farbenwerk. Bei allen Arbeiten an Druckern oder Druckerteilen besteht bei unsachgemäßer Handhabung immer das Risiko einer Beschädigung. Kostenübernahmen und Schadenersatzansprüche (z.B. Betriebsausfall eines Druckers) werden hiermit ausdrücklich zurückgewiesen.

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